0044 (0) 7885 515698
Your support will mean that we can continue to provide a range of activities and services which are so vital to so many families in the local community.
Every good act is charity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows.
As one person I cannot change the world, But I can change the world of one person. Every charitable act is a stepping stone towards heaven.
As one person I cannot change the world, But I can change the world of one person. Every charitable act is a stepping stone towards heaven.
As one person I cannot change the world, But I can change the world of one person. Every charitable act is a stepping stone towards heaven.
Vision of Love aims to help the poorest of the poor in getting their vision back on track by funding their cataract operations carried out in Sri Lanka.
This project was started by a few individuals with the Vision of Pure Love in February 2016. The main aim is to help the poorest of the poor in getting their vision back on track by funding their cataract operations carried out initially in Sri Lanka. This is one of the many projects that Vision of Love has undertaken abroad and in the UK.
Vision of Love thrives as a result of the generosity of many individuals who contribute towards the cause of humanity. The service provided will not be based on cast, colour, race or religion, and will be the same for one and all with the Vision of Love in mind.
If you like further information about any projects, please email
Vision of Love © 2016 Registered Charity No. 1170595 in England and Wales
The Mayor of Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, Councillor Thay Thayalan opening the Vision of Love's 5K Run/Walk in the iconic Bushy Park in Hampton and launching Vision of Love's official website on 17 June 2018.
The Mayor of Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, Councillor Thay Thayalan opening the Vision of Love's 5K Run/Walk in the iconic Bushy Park in Hampton and...
Recent projects undertaken by Vision of Love
Vision of Love performed 50 cataract operations in Hambantota on April 25,...
Foundation stone was laid for the 4th house on the evening of...
Vision of Love's Ground Nut Cultivation Activity as part of Livelihood Project...
Photos from Vision of Love's recent projects
Ready to become a volunteer?
Mission of Vision of Love is to alleviate poverty across the globe
Latest news and updates from recent projects
Vision of Love performed 50 cataract operations in Hambantota on April 25,...
Foundation stone was laid for the 4th house on the evening of...
Vision of Love's Ground Nut Cultivation Activity as part of Livelihood Project...
Vision of Love, 12 Colwood Gardens, London, SW19 2DT, UK
0044 (0) 7885 515698
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